Claims Filing

SSR offers the one of the most most comprehensive class action databases in the industry. We monitor all new cases in order to determine if there are potential future recoveries for you or your company. Once we determine your organization’s eligibility for recoveries in a specific case, our team of claim filing experts will take these next steps:

  • Analyze the Court’s Plan of Allocation to determine the most beneficial way to file each claim.
  • Compile and analyze the relevant transactional records.
  • Complete all necessary claim forms and forward them to the administrator with the proper documentation using the appropriate electronic filing format specific to each case.
  • Confirm receipt of the claim by the claims administrator.
  • Handle all correspondence with the claims administrator, making sure nothing is holding up your payment.
  • Regularly follow up with the claims administrator and keep you informed every step of the way.

Your organization will have access to our claims hotline, as a client of SSR. It’s staffed by top claims experts who can answer the most difficult claims related questions at any time.

SSR works strictly on a contingency basis for a percentage of recoveries with no up front or retainer fees required.

Our Risk Your Reward. We don’t get paid until we get you paid.

Don't Wait, Call Today!

Settlement DisclaimerDisclaimer: Claim forms are being delivered and are available online beginning December 1, 2023. The filing deadline has been set for May 31st 2024. Class members need not sign up for any third party service in order to participate in any monetary relief. No cost assistance is available from the class administrator and class counsel during the claims filing period. For additional information regarding the status of the settlement, interested persons may visit, the court's approved website for this case. If you chose to use our services to assist you please CONTACT US.
BBB Acredited Business